How important CPHIMS-CA Certifications is for a HI professional and in what stage of career one should pursue it?
@anikbhatt11gmail-com I think it is optional. It is a good to have but not required for a job. How much does it cost?
@mmj I agree with you but was not entirely sure. It seemed to me, being a Health Informatician, It is kind of implied we should have this certification.
The exam is pretty expensive as well. Unless organization supports to obtain it, I do not see the value for the money yet. For US employers I have seen requirements for the credential in few job posting. But for canadian employers, hardly any.
CPHIMS initial exam: USD $549 HIMSS member, USD $659 non-members, USD $499 Organizational member
Canadian Supplemental (CA) Exam (C$244 +tax for Digital Health Canada Members/C$345 +tax for non members)